Aug12, 2019 Iowa

The Book Launch of "Kojiki The Birth of Japan, The Japanese Creation Myth Illustrated", the trade book version of my thesis artist's book, from Tuttle Publishing. At Prairie Lights Book Store, downtown IowaCity.

I had a great night with a wonderful audience.


2019年8月12日 アメリカ・アイオワ




出版記念イベント!” "KOJIKI The Birth of Japan, The Japanese Creation Myth"

By ワイルズ一美




Book Launch! "KOJIKI The Birth of Japan, The Japanese Creation Myth"

By Kazumi Wilds

August 12, Monday 7PM~

At Prairie Lights Bookstore, Downtown IowaCity





2019年 7月15日〜8月10日 アイオワ

アイオワ大学UICB アーティストレジデンシー


July 15 - August 10, 2019 Iowa

University of Iowa Center for the Book, Artist Residency 


May 2018 The University of Iowa, IowaCity, Iowa

I have graduated from UICB MFA program.

With great people, friends and teachers.

With great memories.


2018年5月 アイオワ大学 







2017年7月19日 アイオワ

タトル出版社から連絡があって、絵本「The Peace Tree from Hiroshima」がまた賞を頂いたようです。有り難いことです。子どもだけでなく大人にも読んでもらいたいです。

July 19, 2017   Iowa 

Tuttle Publishing emailed me that our picture book " The peace Tree from Hiroshima" got another prize. It has been named winner by Creative Child Magazine. Great !


The Peace Tree from Hiroshima

The Little Bonsai with a Big Story

by Sandra Moore; Illustrated by Kazumi Wilds

ISBN: 9784805313473 ;$14.95 hardcover; July 2015


2017 PREFERRED CHOICE AWARD: Kids Books category



Creative Child Magazine is a national bi-monthly publication that provides parents with the latest information on how to nurture their child's creativity. With departments such as Kids at Play, Health and Safety, Discovering Creativity, Nurturing Talent and Tomorrow's Child - Investing for Your Child's Future, Creative Child Magazine is essential and the most complete parenting publication for raising well-balanced children. For more information, please visit:




2017年6月11日〜7月12日 日本(東京、埼玉、奈良、島根、香川)


June 11 - July 12, Japan ( Tokyo, Saitama, Nara, Kagawa prefecture) 

Summer holiday in Japan. Had a wonderful time with family and friends in Kawagushi Saimata, Tokyo and Shimane. And I had a fantastic trip for papermaking and art with Sarah Luko who is my classmate in the University of Iowa Center for the Book and she came to Japan for her research of Japanese papermaking. I also sepent a lot of time for my own research at the National Library in Tokyo for my thesis.


2017年6月8日 アイオワ大学

この夏の新しいアーティストブック「White Dream」自分で漉いた紙(パルプは50%フラックス、50%コットン)をハイビスカスと鉄で染めて、卵のどうさ引きで雪の日の空色を出しました。積もった雪はコットンのパルプで、木々はリノカットを彫ってレタープレス印刷で、キツネはステンシルでしました。製本形式はドラムリーフ。手漉き紙なので端は真っすぐでなくギザギザ、それも切り取らずに残しました。表紙はネパールの紙漉き様式で楮を漉いて作りました。

June8, 2017  The University of Iowa

My new artists` book in this summer " White Dream", made with my handmade paper of 50% flax and 50% cotton, dyed with hibiscus and iron, sized with egg. The piled snow image was couched with cotton on the dyed paper. The woods images was printed by linocuts letterpress, and the fox image was done by stencil. Drum leaf binding. Kept deckled edges of handmade paper. The cover is also my handmade Nepal paper.  



2017年5月24日 アイオワ大学



May24, 2017    The University of Iowa

Taking a summer class of Paperwork. After class, making papers listening to water splash, sometimes friends visit me but mostly alone, my quiet meditation time. 



2017年5月12日 アイオワ大学

今学期の私のアーティストブック その2、「DREAM」

May12, 2017   The University of Iowa

My artists` book #2 in this semester, " DREAM"



2017年5月12日 アイオワ大学

今学期のアーティストブックその1、マザーグースの「ヘイ、ディドル ディドル」

May12, 2017   The University of Iowa

My artists` Book #1 in this Semester, " Hey, Diddle Diddle"



2017年5月6日 アイオワ大学


May6, 2017  The University of Iowa

Printing apple tree on various papers, including my handmade papers. Apple fruits will become red by stencil. 





Apr.25, 2017 

Picture show DVD "48 Colors of Dreams" I worked for the illustration is now translated in five languages. 



2017年4月24日 アイオワ大学


Apr.24, 2017, The University of Iowa

" Hey, Diddle Diddle" one of my artists` book I`m making for my finals. I stayed over two nights at school on this weekend because I can use whole studio space after midnight,,,,,,but, still soooo much to do,,,,




レタープレス2の課題、パブリックプリンティング。実際に社会で使われる印刷物を作ります。私は絵本”The Peace Tree from Hiroshima"でコンビを組んだ作家Sandra Mooreのパネルディスカッションの広告を作りました。

March 17, 2017  The University of Iowa

Letterpress2 assignment, Public printing. I made flyers for an event of panel discussion of authors, Sandra Moore and Ann McClellan, in Washington DC.



2017年2月27日 アイオワ大学

混沌の続くアメリカです。大統領選挙の翌日(皆ショックでボロボロ状態でした。)教授の一人が”Just Keep Making Stuff"(ただ作り続けるのみ)と壁に貼っておいてくれました。以来、張り紙はブックアートの大学院生と教師陣が新政権に対する抗議や切実な思いを刷って増え続けています。私はこのブックアートらしい静かな抗議運動が好きです。私は絵本の作り手なので、私のやり方で作りました。We are different. We are pals.(僕たちは異なる。僕たちは友だち。)間にButを入れないことが私の気持ちです。Only one you!はあなたの代わりは誰もいない、という意味で作りました。アメリカはどうなっていくのだろうと本当に不安です。

Feb.27, 2017,   The University of Iowa

I joined the printed protest issues by printers at the wall of Center for the Book, University of Iowa. My message is " We are different. We are pals." Not " We are different. But we are pals."  

I hope everybody can be happy as we are and as we were born to be only one.



2017年2月25日 アイオワ大学


Feb.25, 2017, The University of Iowa

Letterpress letterpress everyday letterpress. I`m taking two letterpress classes this semester. 



2017年1月28日 アイオワ大学


Jan.28, 2017,  The University of Iowa

3rd semester review has finished. Each 2nd year student of Center for the Book had a room to show own works, wrote a statement, talked with all professors. How exhausted we were, after cleaning up we all went out to have a glass of margarita. I love my classmates.


2017年1月 島根県出雲


January 2017, Shimane Japan 

Stayed in Japan for the winter vacation, went to my house in Izumo, Shimane for a week and joined the rehearsal of the theater activities of a reading story group which I belong to and I`ve done the art. This shadow picture play based on Japanese mythology was performed at Tagi Elementary school on jan 13th just after I left there. 



2016年12月2日 アイオワ

クラスメイトの家で大学のレディース タイポグラフィック ユニオン(男子学生のいるけど何故かレディース)で、皆で作ったカレンダーの組み立てパーティー。私は表紙を担当しました。

Dec.2, 2016, Iowa

Calendar assembling party of Ladies Typographic Union (including male student) at colleagues` house. I made the front cover of the calendar.



2016年11月17日 アイオワ大学 アイオワ


Nov.17, 2016, The University of Iowa

Kozo hervesting for papermaking. Saw a big hawk near the Kozo field.



2016年10月21日〜29日 アイオワ大学 K.K.Merker ギャラリー

私の個展、「ブックアート アドベンチャー」大学のギャラリーにて。

Oct.21-29, 2016, The University of Iowa, K. K. Merker Gallery 

Kazumi Wilds exhibit " Book Arts Adventure"



2016年10月1日〜24日 島根県安来市

安来市加納美術館にて展覧会。「広島からのメッセージと加納莞蕾の想い」展で、絵本「The Peace Tree from hiroshima」の原画展をしていただきました。広島原爆資料館からの原爆の絵や子ども達の遺品等の展示、私の絵本の原画展、加納莞蕾の作品展の3部門から成り立っています。

Oct.1-24, 2016, Yasugi Shiamne, Japan

Exhibition of the original paintings of our picture book " The peace Tree from Hiroshima" at The Kano Art Museum, Yasugi, Japan. It`s an exhibition titled "Message from Hiroshima and Kanrai Kano`s wish", being completed of three sections which are 1, Paintings and articles of the deceased came from Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 2, Exhibit of original paintings of our book" The Peace Tree from Hiroshima", 3, Exhibit of Kanrai Kano`s art works. 



2016年9月16−18日 ボストン

ムーバブル ブック ソサイエティ のコンフェレンスに参加。すごく勉強になって、刺激になって楽しかったです。悪い癖で本を買い過ぎました。

Sep.16-18 2016, Boston

The Movable Book Society conference in Boston was so exciting, so inspiring, I learned a lot and enjoyed. 


2016年8月26日 アイオワ大学


Aug.26 2016, The university of Iowa

New semester started with MFA students` show at K.K.Merker Gallery in Noerth Hall, the university of Iowa. New semester, new classes, new students, new experience, exciting !



イラストを担当させていただいた紙芝居DVD, 英語字幕の予告編がアップされました。

Aug.15/ 2016

DVD"48 colors of dreams"which I did the illustration, it's new trailer with English subtitle came up. 

Kamishibai DVD " 48 Colors of Dreams" with English trailer
kamishibai DVD ”48 Colors of Dreams " Trailer

2016年7月13日 東京・女子美術大学


July 13. 2016  Tokyo,

At Joshibi University of Art and Design

I gave a lecture to university students. It was about my publishing children`s picture books and Book Art what I`m studying at The University of Iowa for my MFA. Nice students and they asked me good questions after my talk. 


2016年6月20日 東京


June 20, 2016

Collection of literary remains of Michi Hachiya who was my colleague, great friend, passed away in 2015, was published. It was edited by her husband Shigeo Hachiya. I did the book cover expressing her image. Beautiful thoughtful writing !! 445 pages, 1800 Japanese yen by Shinchosha publishing.

2016年6月4日 東京


恵比寿 ギャラリーMalle.へ。

June 4th, 2016 Tokyo

Staying in Japan for summer holidays. With SCBWI illustrators, visited Yoko Yoshizawa`s show at Gallery Malle in Ebisu. 


2016年5月26日 リゾート ワールド S.E.A 水族館 シンガポール


May 26th 2016  Resorts World`s S.E.A Aquarium, Singapore

What a surprising! I`ve never had such a book launch in my life! In the ceremony called "Japan Night" of AFCC conference 2016 at an aquarium in Singapore, When the Senior Minister of Singapore and the Japanese ambassador pushed the button together, scuba divers appeared holding our picture books !!! 


2016年5月23日〜28日 シンガポール国際図書館、シンガポール

AFCC (Asian Festival Children`s Contents) コンフェレンス 2016。シンガポールと日本の国交回復50周年を記念して2冊の英語・日本語バイリンガル絵本がAFCC出版より出版され、そのうちの1冊「ベンジーとユミのおりがみ」はシンガポールの作家エミリー・リムの文に私が日本人サイドのイラストレーターとして絵を描きました。(今回初めてエミリーに会えました!)翻訳は福本友美子さん、編集はNY在住のシェリー・タンです。SCBWIジャパンのメンバーと共にコンフェレンスに参加し、盛り沢山のセッションを受講、実り多い時間を過ごしました。私が卒業した女子美術大学の先生方がジャパンブースの向かいにブースを出しておられたり、その他本当に沢山の素敵な出会いがありました。

May 23 - 28, 2016, International Library, Singapore 

AFCC (Asian Festival Children`s Contents) Conference 2016. The conference published two English-Japanese bilingual picture books to cerebrate the 50th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic between Singapore and Japan. "Benji, Yumi, Origami ! " is one of the bilingual picture books, which was written by the Shingaporean author, Emily Lim-Leh and I illustrated as the Japanese illustrator, (I finally met Emily there for the first time ! ) It was translated by Yumiko Hukumoto, edited by Sheri Tan in NY. I attended AFCC conference 2016 with SCBWI Japan members. I attended many sessions and met many wonderful people including the professors of Joshibi Art and Design University which I graduated in Japan. 

2016年5月14日 ワシントンDC 国立植物園、ワールド盆栽デー ブックイベント

DC 国立樹木園でのブックイベント。ワールド盆栽デーで沢山の来場者、ブックトークに伺った小学校の先生や児童も来てくれて、大成功*\(^o^)/*

May14th, 2016,  The National Arboretum in DC, World Bonsai Day  Bookevent

Book event at the U.S. National Arboretum in DC, World Bonsai Day. With our book's main character, Bonsai Yamaki Pine tree, we had again an awesome time !


2016年5月9日〜14日 アーティスト訪問 ワシントンDC


絵本「The Peace Tree from Hiroshima」のブックトークでワシントンDCの色々な小学校等を作家のサンドラと回りました。どこでも司書さんが読み聞かせをしていてくれて、子ども達は興味津々、質問はエンドレス。とても素敵な時間を過ごしました。

May 9~14, 2016, Artists` Visit, Washington DC

5/9 The National Arboretum, 5/10 Sandy Spring Friends School, 5/11 Lowell School, 5/12 Takoma Park Library, 5/13 Friends Community School, 5/14 the National Arboretum for World Bonsai Day.

Book talk for our picture book "The Peace Tree from Hiroshima" to elementary students visiting schools and library in Washington DC. Kids were so curious, alive, endless questions to ask us. We have had such a wonderful time!

2016年5月6日 アイオワ大学


UICB MFA Group Show Reception




Friday, May 6, 2016 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

K. K. Merker Gallery, Ground Floor 

North Hall

(link is external)

May 6th, 2016, Iowa

Spring 2016 graduating students`show of their MFA thesis work in the KK Merker Gallery. Works by Kristen A. Hartman, Thomas Helmers, Amy Richard, and David “Thor” Rollins  were displayed.

I`m sure I`ll miss those guys, especially Emily whom I had always fun time with. 

2016年4月4日 アイオワ


April 4th, 2016, Iowa

Doing unbelievable amount of graduate school assignments,same tim,I had been working for the next picture book.Finally I've finished all the illustrations !!! 🎉Will be published by AFCC in May!



March 16th, 2016

I did the illustrations of this DVD. Please check it out!



Youtube trailer・YouTubeトレーラー


2016年1月15日 渋谷 HMV&BOOKS 5Fイベントスペース

The Peace Tree from Hiroshimaのトークショー&サイン会をしました。少し緊張したけれど、来てくれた皆さんの優しい眼差しが嬉しかったです。

Jan.15th,2016 HMV&BOOKS 5F Event space, Shibuya,Tokyo

Had my talk show and book signing for my book " The Peace Tree from Hiroshima". The audience were so nice. 


SCBWI(子供の本の作家とイラストレーターの会)新年会 青山



Visiting Japan for the winter vacation.

SCBWI New Year Party at Aoyama

It`s so exciting and fun to see those writers, illustrators, and translators!



アーティストブック作品 マイクログラフィア展覧会(10/16〜)アイオワ大学

Artists` Book for Micrographia exhibition at the University of Iowa on Oct.16th 2015.


「The Peace Tree from Hiroshima」が世界エバーグリーンブックでシルバーメダルを、また、ギレットバークレスセンターの異文化のベストブック賞を受賞しました。

"The Peace  Tree from Hiroshima" won the Silver Evergreen medal for World Peace, and  the Gelett Burgress announced their 2015 award winners and "Peace Tree from Hiroshima" won best "Intercultural" book.



2015年9月15日 ワシントンポスト紙に載りました。

Sep.15th 2015, We were on Washington Post.

2015年9月20日 ブックイベント・Bus Boys &Poets ブックストア、ワシントンDC

Sep.20th.2015, Book event at Bus Boys &Poets Book store in Washington DC



2015年9月18日 ブルックリン ブックフェスティバル ニューヨーク

Sep.18th 2015, Brooklyn Book Festival, NY




アイオワアートフェスティバル、ダウンタウン アイオワシティ

June 6, Saturday, Iowa City

Iowa Arts Festival,  DownTown  Iowa City.



ワシントンの国立植物園、ワールド盆栽デイに作家のサンドラと参加。私達の新刊絵本「The Peace Tree from Hiroshima」の出版前イベントで、主人公になった山木家の盆栽の横で絵本の販売をしました。用意した120冊全部が売り切れる盛況さでした。

May 9, 2015,  Washington DC

At the National Arboretum in DC, the author, Sandra Moore, and I joined the World Bonsai Day. We had the pre-publishing book event near the pine tree, our book`s main character. All the 120 books we prepared were sold out !

2015年5月1日 アイオワ大学カリグラフィークラスの課題で200文字以上書いてくるように言われたので、文字で絵を描いてみた。

May 1st, 2015,  The University of Iowa

The assignment of the calligraphy class. The professor`s instruction was " To write more than 200 words". So I drew with letters.



April 29. 2015 The University of Iowa

An assignment of the calligraphy class, black letter on collage. The text was quoted from James Watts`s FB. Collage was fun, but the lettering was not very good, I think. 

2015年4月23日 アイオワ大学


April 23, 2015    The University of Iowa  

Made a book as an assignment of the calligraphy class. This class has assignments every week and busy but this was a fun assignment.A few more weeks left to the end of this semester. I feel like I`m at my desk all the time now for my final projects !



March 26, 2015   Iowa City

Here is my new picture book coming on market !!





March 19th, 2015 The University of Iowa

I made my own paper with own watermark.

3月17日2015年 アイオワ大学


March 17th, 2015  The University of Iowa

Soldered wires and mad a own watermark for paper making in Western Papermaking class. It took much more time than I thought. 

2月14日2015年 アイオワ大学


Feb.14th. 2015 The University of Iowa 

Assignment of Uncial in Calligraphy class. The left part, the chaotic letters are the news article which ISIS beheaded the Japanese hostage. 

2月13日2015年  アイオワ大学


Feb.13th, 2015    The University of Iowa

The assignment of Western Papermaking class. I and two of my friends, from Ukraine and from Taiwan, worked together to make heavy paper. In last assignment we made mistake with the amount of pulp( actually I made the mistake ^.^; sorry ! ) and in this assignment we made mistake with the gradation of the beater. ( Every time when we get trouble,we call our professor for help ^.^; ) Anyway, since the process took so much time, we tried to use the old pulp which was leftover of last assignment to make the papers. That was, gosh, so stinky !! ( roar with laughter ) Then we started dye the pulp for fun. (roar with laughter ) Are we kids ? Well, we enjoyed a lot but the old pulp didn`t work and we will continue to finish this assignment next week! Now another assignment for reading of paper history by Tuesday, Oh,,,,,,

2月7日2015年 アイオワ大学


Feb.7th, 2015,  Iowa University

The first week assignment of the calligraphy class was self-introduction using letter art.

1月17日2015年 アイオワシティー

アイオワの市立図書館で私の本"All About Japan"を見つけました。"Wakame Gatherers"もあるみたいです。

Jan.17th, 2015     Iowa City

Found my book "All About Japan" at Iowa City library. They seem to have "Wakame Gatherers", too. 



Jan,14th, 2015

Moved to Iowa. Before moving, I met many my wonderful friends in San Diego, and I painted a painting for BJ and Gary who let me stay in their house and have been so good to me. 



Dec.31,2014~Jan.6th, 2015

Went on a trip with my older son. To Sedona,AZ, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and the last two  days at  Los Angelus County Art Museum. 




Dec.30th,2114     San Diego

Finally !! I have finished all the illustrations of my new book and shipped them to the publisher today !!

2014年9月24日           サンディエゴ


Sep.24th. 2014                                 San Diego

Made at the art class of San Diego State University. It`s a three colored dripoint printing. I`m now working for picture books ordered by a publisher and a school in the US, but this is the testing illustration of my own story whch I`m working out an idea.





2014年9月18〜19日        アイオワ大学

18日、グーテンベルグバイブル(550年前にドイツのヨハネス・グーテンベルクが活版印刷技術を用いて印刷した世界初の印刷聖書)の講義に参加しました。講師はプリンストン大学図書館からPaul Needham氏。難しそうだったので予習してから行きました。アジアでは、日本だけがオリジナルのグーテンベルグバイブルを慶応大学で所有しています。19日にはグーデンバーグバイブルのレプリカや、アイオワ大学図書館所蔵の同年代の書物を見せてもらいました。本当に美しい。

Sep.18-19th, 2014                                  The University of Iowa

Jined at the book brownell lecture on the history of the book featuring by Paul Needham from Princeton University Libraries. It was about 550 years of the Gutenburg Bible. In Asia, only Japan owns the original copy of the Gutengurg Bible at Keiou University. On 19th, we could see the replica of Gutenbaurg Bible and other old printed Books the University Iowa Library owns. They were so beautiful.



2014年8月16日    サンディエゴ

Old Town からバスにのってNTCのアートウォークに行きました。147人のアーティストのブースが所狭しと並んでいて、サンディエゴのこういう雰囲気いいなあ。

August 16th 2014     San Diego

Went to NTC Art Walk by bus from Old Town. 147 artists, each had own tent to show their art works. I love San Diego in this air.


2014年8月1日〜4日  ロサンゼルス

SCBWI(Siciety of Children`s Books Writers and Illustrators)のサマーコンフェレンスでロサンゼルスに行きました。20か国から集まった1200人を超える作家とイラストレーター達。加えて、出版関係の人達。信じられない四日間でした。

August 1st~4th        LA

Joined for the summer conference of SDCWI, Society of Children`s Books Writers and Illustrators, in LA. More than 1.200 writers and illustrators gathered from 20countries. Plus Publishes, too. Unbelievable four days they were !

四日間ずっと講座、講演、ワークショップが幾つも重なっていて選ばなくてはいけない上に、合間がなくて食事もままならない有様でした。一つ一つが貴重な体験で、本当に参加して良かった。Pals Book で自分の本も売りました。(その分講演者の本を次々買い込んでしまったので、結局大荷物になりました。)

So many lectures and workshops for full four days. Many of them were progressing simultaneously and  hard to choose which to attend, and no time to eat meals. Everything was so impressive and motive. I`m really glad I joined. I sold my books at Pal Book Sale. But I bought more books of lectures and got heavier stuffs to take home. 




7月13日  サンディエゴ

ラホヤのミュージック&アートライブラリーにブックアートのコレクションがあると聞いて行って来ました。私にはたまらない図書館でした。丁度、ブックアートの講座が夕方からあったので参加しました。Kathyanne Whiteがアリゾナから講師で来ていて、色々と話を聞いて面白かった!

13th   San Diego

Went to Athenaem Music & Art Library in La Jolla to see its Book Arts c July ollection. That`s a best library for me. And there was a lecture of Book Arts the day, how lucky I was. Kathyanne White was from Arizona to give the lecture.




2014年7月7日   サンディエゴ  ラホヤの現代美術館に行きました。フランシス・ベーコンの絵が好きです

July 7th 2014 Went to The Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla. I loved the painting of Francis Bacon.


2014年6月21日   サンディエゴ


June 21st, 2014                             San Diego

I am now working for an American publisher for my new children`s picture book its main character is a Bonsai tree. It is a true story that the Bonsai tree survived the World war Ⅱ and now in the national arboretum in Washington DC. I looked for Bonsai books here and there in Japan before I left there but I could not find a book. But , today, I went to an Asian town in San Diego for grocery for the first time, and there I found Book Off store !! There I found a Bonsai book !! It`s a perfect one !!  Found a Bonsai book in US, it`s so interesting.




2014年6月14日    サンディエゴ


June 14th, 2014                 San Diego

Joined" Mandara stencil " paper craft workshop at San Diego Public Library. It was a fun activity. On the 9th floor, there is a nice cozy art gallery. I want to come back there to spend time being surrounded with lots of lots of books. 



2014年・6月6日   サンディエゴ


June 6th, 2014        San Diego

Sweet Rebecca invited me for a craft fair at Adams Avenue.  Made a lot. Talked  a  lot.  Had coffee & cake,  I really had a good time.  Rebecca  is so nice.  The photo is a tile I painted with my cat`s picture.












2014年・6月5日 サンディエゴ


June 5th, 2014  San Diego

I got invited by James E Watts , a great sculptor, for his homeparty at his gallery. His Kokeshi-shaped sculptures are so interesting. Borrowed two Outsider`s art books,  Met nice people, had a good time.



2014年・6月1日 サンディエゴ

先日の夜、クラスメイトの若い男の子2人とダウンタウンに飲みに行きました。ビールやジンを飲んで、賑わう町をあちこち歩いていたら、夜の10時近かったというのに開いている画廊があって、TIM CANTORという画家の個展をしていました。すごい完成度。(あとで調べたら、Gallery-Gaslampという画廊でした。)絵なんか興味のなさそうなクラスメイトもつき合ってくれました。

June 6th. 2014  San Diego

Went to DownTown to drink with young classmate boys. We had beers and gin, walked around busy SanDiego at night. Then we found a Gallery which was still open. ( It`s name is  "Galley-Gaslamp" ) There held 

TIM CANTOR exhibition. Was great quality. My young classmates came along.



2014、5月19日 サンディエゴ


2014, May 19. San Diego

My life in San Diego has just started.  I went to explore Downtown San Diego. I took a nice walk at the port.  Just in front of the trolley depot I found a nice cozy comtemporary art museum. This picture is the work which Asian bowls & cups are flowing by the current from the pump in the plastic pool. It is enjoyable to see the changing design and also the counds of the ceramics hit each other. ( The photo can be taken there. )



2014、5月17日 東京

青山の東京ウィメンズプラザでSCBWI ( Society of Childaren`s Book Writers and Illastrators ) の会に参加。今日はSean Wichel Wilson のComic 

 writing について。面白かった。出発前にみんなに会えて、よかったー!!


2014,May 17. Tokyo

There was an event of SCBWI ( Society of Children`s Book Writers and Illustrators ) in Aoyama today. Sean Wichel Wilson came from Kumamoto for his lecture of comic writing. It was so interesting. I really had a good time with SCBWI members.  I `m going to leave Japan from Narita to US tomorrow.



2014、5月9日 東京 国立新美術館


2014, May 9th.  Tokyo ,  At The National Art Center.

I went to an exhibition " The power of Image - The National Museum of Ethnology Collection ". I was right to choose this exhibition among many other exhibits. The expressions of human beings who really live on the earth always fascinate me.  Those are real expressions of living creatures.  By the way, what a  gap there is between Izumo scenery and this museum !!




2014, May 8th

Last night my friends drove me to Izumo station .  I took the night train to Tokyo. Thank you very much, my friends for many good-bye parties and many presents in Shimane !  I`ll  saty at my father`s house in Kawaguchi, Saitama prefecture  till 18th.




2014, March 24

There was a ceremony for leaving teachers at the school I have workd. I am leaving the school. Evaerbody, colleagues, students and the parents,  all have been so nice to me.  I am really lucky and  I appreciate them. 


2014, 3月7日



2014, March 7th,

My younger son has passed the entrance examination of the university in Hokkaido ,northan part of Japan, very chilly & snowy in winter ! ! !   He did a good job ! Great ! Cheers !